Holiday Party Outfit Ideas

I know I know, it’s the Holiday week and you got a lot going on so I am going to keep this one under 50 words, so quickly scroll through to check out 3 Holiday/ Christmas/ New Year’s Eve outfit ideas:

Outfit #1 

When has a satin dress ever failed you, answer is never. Yeah, that was a trick question. So here’s to the forever classy long satin dress

Christmas Holiday Party Outfit Ideas 1

Outfit #2

A lace dress for the Holidays, anyone?? How about I say it comes with an attached bow?! A firm yes!! I knew it..

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Outfit #3

Ok seriously you can’t say no to a sequin, glittery, sparkly wrap dress, can you?!!! That’s a rhetoric question, don’t need an answer, so just take the dress and run with it, runnn…


So which one of these were your favorite Holiday outfit? What are some of your go to Holiday looks? Be sure to write in the comment section and inspire us with your styling tips.

Until next time, Bisous ❤

– PP

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